Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 84
Admissions Photograph Exhibit and Slides
This collection contains a photograph exhibit of students and classroom activities used by the Admissions Department to promote LCC at the Lane County Fair. The collection also includes color slides used for marketing the college to high school students.
Advertising Supplements
Anniversary Records
This collection contains records that document the special exhibits and events that marked the 20th (1984), 25th (1989), and 30th (1994) anniversaries of the college. The collection contains photographs and exhibits, videos, oral histories, ephemera, and programs, publications, and news clippings.
Arts Division Architectural Drawings
This collection contains architectural drawings for buildings housing Arts Division departments and programs on the main campus of Lane Community College. These spaces underwent major renovation in 2009 and 2010.
ASHLANE (Adult Student Housing) Records consist of correspondence, reports, legal documents, and newspaper clippings concerning a project to provide housing for college students.
Sam Blackwell Photographs and Papers
The collection consists of photographs and slides taken by Sam Blackwell, instructor at Lane Community College. The photographs were taken of buildings and grounds and classroom activities on the LCC main campus and other college locations. The collection also includes photographs of Blackwell’s family, travels in the US and abroad, and his service in the U.S. Army in France during World War II.
The Bleed
Includes print copies of The Bleed magazine, a graphic design magazine produced by graphic design students at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.
Board of Education Meeting Records
The records document the meetings of the Board of Education which is the governing body of the college. The meeting records include agendas, minutes, resolutions, handouts, and mailings for the Board as well as agendas, minutes, and handouts for the Budget Committee.
Budget Documents
Budget Documents, final and proposed, 1965-present
Business Development Center Photographs
Includes several versions of the promotional slide show, "The Great American Dream" and a tape cassette narration for the slide show. Other photos include a birthday party for the BDC in 1993 and interior and exterior photos of businesses assisted by the BDC.